Thursday, October 6, 2011

What IS the Difference Between an Alpaca and a Llama?

Yes, I've been wondering this for quite some time. And in San Clemente, I got my answer- you use alpacas for their fur, and llamas for carrying things. Duh! But how do you tell them apart? To me they were just some goofy 4-legged creatures that looked like small, hairy giraffes. But then, I stumbled upon this:

"The llama is roughly twice the size of the alpaca and the llama has a very coarse outer coat over a softer inner coat- as opposed to the alpaca, which has a very fine, single coat. In addition, the llama produces far less fiber per animal than the alpaca, despite its much larger size. This is because the alpaca was domesticated and carefully bred for over 5000 years as a luxury fiber-producing animal. The llama has been bred for the same amount of time as a pack-carrying animal."

Alpacas. I don't have a picture of a llama because I haven't seen any of them yet!

Have a good weekend!

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