Sunday, March 10, 2013


So, I've hit a few pretty significant milestones recently (and am about to hit a huge one *graduation*), and this post is one of those milestones. It's my 100th post on the blog! Woo hoo! I guess I'm going to spend some time in this post discussing why I'm blogging and what it means to me, so bear with me.

As you all know, I started the blog to share my study abroad experience with friends and family back home. However, over the last year it has morphed into documenting life in general for my own purposes. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE sharing things with other people, but this blog is also a way for me to remember. I hope that in many years I will look back on it and really appreciate what I've done, and cherish the memories that I post here.

Anyway, thank you all for sticking with me for these first 100, and hopefully there will be 100 more!

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