10 Quito Things That Make Me Happy:
1. The building guard saying "cómo está niña?" every time I walk by
2. Not getting lost on the bus system
3. Knowing when cab drivers are trying to rip me off and arguing with them in fluent spanish
4. The random afternoon thunderstorms
5. The first Frozen Yogurt place to open up in Ecuador: Chic-Berry
6. Being able to recognize and wave to people on the street who are not in the program (like the bakery guy who just had a baby with his wife, or the indigenous woman selling strawberries, or kids who go to the escuelita).
7. Having cars stop in the middle of rush hour to let me cross the street (probably only because I'm a gringa but I'm not complaining)
8. The mix of western and indigenous cultures
9. Everyone saying that the weather is changing, when in reality it's dropped from 67 degrees to 63...
10. Christmas trees in the windows starting November 1st.