Wednesday, January 30, 2013

End of JanPlan Blues

So, JanPlan ends tomorrow, and not surprising- I'm sick as a dog. This seems to happen every year like clockwork. I tend to get sick just as spring semester is beginning, but at least I know how to handle it.

10 Things That Cheer Me Up
1. Humidifiers
2. Hot tea with lemon and honey
3. Gilmore Girls (I know I've said that one before)
4. Chatting with old friends
5. Traveling
6. Reading a good book (I'm currently reading Empire Falls)
7. Our new popcorn maker that has made residence in our room
8. Doodling
9. Warmer weather (none of this -10 degree, frostbite all the time coldness)
10. Fresh laundry

I hope everyone is healthy and happy!

Sunday, January 27, 2013


So, I'm going to have a series of posts (a series!) that shows places that are important to me/ I'm spending an unreal amount of time in. I'm expecting these places to change dramatically once the semester starts and I have less time to do anything, so it could be really fun to see how the location of my time changes. If that makes sense.
The boys' room

Broomball at the hockey rink

Our sunny common room

The Gym. Well, part of it. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


So, for my final JanPlan of my Colby career, I'm taking a class called Printmaking. It's sponsored by the Art department, which is 100% out of my comfort zone and boy let me tell you, I'm learning SO much. But, who knew that art could be so difficult?

My workstation

Made these two today.

If you want to buy one, I'm selling them... just kidding. They're not nearly that good. But, I have a TON of prints and would show anyone who wants to see them! And I'm sure I will have many more once JanPlan ends in a week and a half, so we will see what I come up with!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Happy Weekend!

So, JanPlan is a time of... boredom. Nothing really goes on before spring semester actually starts in February. Thus, I do not have very many exciting things to share with you today. Instead, enjoy this ridiculous website:

Happy weekend everyone!

Monday, January 14, 2013


One of the largest clubs on campus is Colby Cares About Kids (CCAK), where a Colby student is paired up with a child in town who is in elementary or middle school in a mentorship program. I have been paired with Brandon for all four of my years at Colby, and the experience has been incredible! I've watched as he has gone from a trouble-maker, refuse-to-do-homework, fourth grade boy to a responsible, caring 7th grader. Watching this transformation has been incredible, and I'm a little bummed that after graduation in May, I won't get to see him anymore.

Sledding event with all of the CCAK mentors/mentees. 

Paper airplane time.

Homework help

I'm so proud of him!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Over Break Part 2

Here is the last installment of pictures from over the break. Enjoy!

The Lumineers New Years Eve Concert

Monday, January 7, 2013

Over Break...

Well, I'm back at Colby for my last JanPlan and my last semester as an undergrad. So crazy! But before we get into the full swing of things, here are a few pictures from my time at home. I have so many, that there will probably be a second post with the remainder.

On the Highline Trail, someone had set up a "Wishing Tree" and there were pieces of paper and pens to write your own wish/gratitude/idea and hang it from the tree. So cute!

The Hobbit in 3D- went with the cousins.

Charlie and his friend, Aspen

Casual winter yard work.

More pictures to follow!