Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2015 brings you happiness, and a little bit of adventure. 

One of my New Years Resolutions is to be consistent in my dental hygiene. Did you know that you're supposed to change your toothbrush every 3 months? Well, in the spirit of what my dentist, Carole, told me, I have recently (aka last April) decided to make an event out of changing my toothbrush on a regular basis, as well as flossing more and keeping good care of my pearly whites. I debuted this party last summer at the Ranch in order to bring a little bit of fun and of course good dental care to my friends. Every January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 I have deemed "New Toothbrush Day". Here is what I posted for my friends to read (note: some of this is serious, but most of it is silly):

"4 out of 5 dentists recommend changing your toothbrush every three months. New toothbrush day, as the Ammons clan would call it, is a beloved tradition based around the receiving and using of a new toothbrush every said three months. Past festivities have been known to include cake, a bouncy house, and even a pony ride. Lucky you, you have been invited to the next New Toothbrush Day. Bring your best pajamas or toothbrushing out it, enough booze to go around, and of course your new toothbrush. Mine will be a Colgate Soft, color to be determined. Probably purple. I havent had a purple toothbrush in a while."

And this is what ensued:

And so, my friends, please have fun with New Toothbrush Day, and keep those teeth shiny and clean! 

Also, my other big New Years Resolution is to run this half-marathon in May... I'll keep you updated. 

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